Sermons & Worship Service
Worship Service for January 24, 2021
Worship Service for January 17, 2021
Worship Service for January 10, 2021
Worship Service for January 3, 2021
Worship Service for December 27, 2020
Worship Service for December 20, 2020
Worship Service for December 13, 2020
Worship Service for December 6, 2020
Worship Service for November 29, 2020
Worship Service for November 22, 2020
Worship Service for November 15, 2020
Worship Service for November 8, 2020
Worship Service for November 1, 2020
"Freedom to Choose" - John 8:31-36
Music - "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"
- "Lord of the Small"
- "I Need Thee Every Hour"
- "Be Bold! Be Strong!"
Worship Service for October 25, 2020
Worship Service for October 18, 2020
Worship Service for October 11, 2020
"Accepting the Invitation" - Matthew 22:1-14
Music - "Seek Ye First"
- "Lord Reign in Me"
- "We Come as Guests Invited"
- "I'll Be There"
- "Standing on the Promises"
Sermon Service for October 4, 2020
- "World Communion Sunday"
Sermon Service for October 4, 2020
- "World Communion Sunday"
Special Music for October 4, 2020
- Songs for World Communion Sunday
Worship Service for September 20, 2020
"A Community of Justice" - Matthew 20:1-16
Music - "Bind Us Together"
- "A Time For Joy"
- "My Jesus I Love Thee"
- "Let It Be"
- "What the World Needs Now is Love"
Worship Service for September 13, 2020
"A Community of Forgiveness" - Matthew 18:21-35
Rev. Frank H. Everett
Music - "They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love"
- "Blowin' In the Wind"
- "Give Thanks"
- "What the World Needs Now is Love"
Worship Service for September 6, 2020
"A Community of Love" - Matthew 18:15-20
Rev. Frank H. Everett
Music - "In Christ There Is No East or West"
- "The Family of God"
- "One Bread, One Body"
- "What the World Needs Now is Love"
Worship Service for August 30, 2020
A Service of Music....
Worship Service for August 23, 2020
"Keepers of the Keys" - Matthew 16:13-20
Rev. Frank H. Everett
Music - "My Shepherd You Supply My Need"
"Into My Heart"
"Do Lord"
Worship Service for August 16, 2020
"Inseparable Love" - Romans 8:31-39
Rev. Frank H. Everett
The service also features sharing from David Kyrie about his time in New York City serving
at a local hospital during the worst of the Covid-19 outbreak there.
Music - "Great is Thy Faithfulness"
"Who You Say I Am"
"In Remembrance of Me"
"Give Me Oil in My Lamp"